She suddenly smiled: "I thought it was something important, but it's just a few photos. Director Xu, the investigation isn't over yet, so what makes you think the people in the photos are me With how advanced photo editing technology is now, it's easy to just photoshop someone's head onto another person's body. Besides, all the so-called evidence in this article is full of holes. Do you really believe that Are you a three-year-old",After all the hard work to get here, I can't let a few words ruin everything!,Although Xu Lei was scared inside, she was still somewhat unwilling to accept defeat. The sarcastic and insulting voices had obviously lessened: "Hmph, putting on a show! I heard your family is poor, so it's understandable that you would do such things abroad. Ruan Bai, have you ever thought about continuing your part-time job I can introduce some wealthy clients to you later!"。