A gentle breeze opened the curtain, revealing her face. Her skin was as white as fine porcelain, unadorned yet elegant and refined. While she wasn't breathtakingly beautiful or stunningly captivating, she possessed a unique charm. Her brows were like ink paintings, naturally dark and delicate, her features small and graceful, with an air of youthful vibrancy that made her appear particularly striking.,Lan You was best at playing the guqin, her music was ethereal and dreamy, like fairy music surrounding you, making people calm and focused. However, tonight's music sounded a little unsteady...,Zhu Yun is a thirty-year-old man, one of the top courtesans at Feng Yue Lou. He excels in flute playing and chess. Although he is already considered an older man, he takes good care of himself and has a handsome and charming appearance. He is calm and composed, with an undeniable charisma. It is said that even after her marriage, Princess Huiyun, the younger sister of the current emperor, frequently visits him to play chess and discuss worldly matters, which speaks volumes about his extraordinary charm.。