If you take the bus, you'll see people eating snacks even if they have already eaten breakfast, taking some food out of their pockets to tide them over.,Zhou Rong suddenly had a plan in her heart, and she didn't go back to Zhou's house. After all, Zhou's mother was still thinking about the thirty or so yuan in her hand. 。Then there's Zhou Laosi, even his own family wouldn't easily donate a kidney to him. Going back alone is like walking into a tiger's den. 。Now I only think about waiting until we both go to the countryside and live together. I will have a chance to switch the black jade bead eventually. 。Thinking of this, Zhou Rongrong's mouth couldn't help but curl up again and again as she ate steamed buns. 。Closing the book, Lin Wewan retrieved the package Wang Jingjing had brought over that morning from the pouch at her feet and placed it on the table. 。,My grandfather's assets are all red, the whole city knows about it. Who would accuse me of something for no reason except you 。Lin Weilan scolded Zhou Rongrong, and her peripheral vision was also on the people approaching nearby, so as not to be attacked by any radical fool. 。“Rongrong was just joking, you don't have to beat her up! You attacked right away without any warning. Isn’t this how capitalists behave”Shen Shili looked at Zhou Rongrong's swollen face and felt deeply distressed. His eyes were filled with disgust as he looked at Lin Wailan. 。You can slander me, smear my reputation, but I cannot fight back. Zhou Rongrong is willfully smearing me, this young intellectual who went to the countryside, and disrupting unity among us intellectuals. She is a bad element, and you are just like her. 。"Anyone can put the blame on someone else, come on, let's hurt each other. 。。